Online casino bonuses are offered to encourage players to stay tuned to the casinos. These bonuses are of various types, issued at appropriate intervals. Management of these casinos strategically decides upon disbursement of bonuses to players. The timing of issuance plays an important role along with the amount of bonus. Bonuses are decided depending upon the size of the casino. Players enjoy all kinds of bonuses whether in cash or kind.
Players must be aware of certain clauses pertaining to online casino bonuses. Some of the most prominent clauses are given as under:
· Online casino bonuses for select games
Some online bonuses are applicable only when you play certain games. You might find yourself in a soup if you opt for any of these bonuses without reading the terms and conditions. There are times when the management decides to keep terms and conditions on certain rewarding games. These conditions are drafted in a manner that the not-so-popular games are clubbed with these games and the player has no other choice but to play those specific games only. This restricts the earning potential of the players. Casinos chalk out such policies keeping in mind the best interest of the house.
· Timed Bonuses
Some online casino bonuses can be availed only at a given time. These bonuses get lapsed if players miss out on withdrawing. You may wonder why players would refrain from withdrawing the bonuses. This happens when the bonuses are tied to certain goals- based game that the players must achieve to claim the bonuses. For example, players can withdraw a bonus of $3000 after reaching loyalty points of 1000, these loyalty points can be earned only by scoring exceptionally well in certain game and this bonus shall lapse after completion of certain hours. This is one example where the player may fail to achieve this target and lose out on the bonus. Even if he manages to earn the required points, the validity of the bonus might lapse.
· Betting requirements
There are sites that keep betting requirements for players to avail online casino bonuses. For instance, a player might be required to place a high wager for a bonus that might not be as lucrative as compared to the probability of winning the game. Conservative players find it difficult to comply with such wagering requirements and, as such, cannot claim those bonuses. This is beneficial for the casino as some ambitious players might place high wagers with a view to claim these bonuses. Casino wouldn’t mind letting the player claim such bonuses once in order to maintain the authenticity of the game.
It is not necessary for all casinos to keep such requirements and make bonuses unachievable. Free online bonuses are the best bonuses as players are not required to pay anything out of pocket to claim them.
The most optimum way of choosing the best online casino bonuses is to read the terms and conditions properly before venturing into the game. Maximize your returns by choosing the right bonuses at the right time.